AURA Oversight Council for Gemini (AOC-G)

The AOC-G provides oversight and advocacy for the management of the Gemini Observatory.

Prof. Beatriz Barbuy

Depto. de Astronomia

Universidade de São Paulo - Instituto de Astronomi

Dr. Andy Boden (Appointed)

Cal Tech

Caltech Optical Observatories (Caltech)

Dr. Anita Cochran

University of Texas

Dr. Laura Ferrarese (Chair)

National Research Council, Canada

Dr. Douglas Geisler

Departamento de Astronomia

Universidad de Concepcion

Philip Jewell (Appointed)


Matt Mountain (ex officio)


David Reitze (Vice Chair)

LIGO Library

California Institute of Technology

John Troeltzsch

Ball Aerospace & Technologies Corporation

Dr. Mark Voit

Dept of Physics and Astronomy

Michigan State University