AURA Board of Directors (ABOD)

The Board, which meets quarterly, establishes the policies of AURA, approves its budget, elects members of the Management Councils, and appoints the President, the Center Directors, and other principal officers. The Board of Directors is responsible to the Member Representatives for the effective management of AURA and the achievement of its purposes.

Dr. Felipe Barrientos

Departamento de Astronomia y Astrofisica

Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile

Dr. Martin Barstow

Institute of Space & Earth Observation/Physics & Astronomy

University of Leicester

Dr. Sarbani Basu

Astronomy Department

Yale University

Dr. Michael Bolte

Astronomy and Astrophysics

University of California - Santa Cruz

Dr. Debra Elmegreen (Chair)

Department of Physics & Astronomy

Vassar College

Dr. Laura Ferrarese

National Research Council, Canada

Dr. Frederick Gilman

Department of Physics

Carnegie Mellon University

Dr. Maura Hagan

College of Science

Utah State University

Dr. Guenther Hasinger (Vice-Chair)

Institute for Astronomy

University of Hawaii

Dr. Lynne Hillenbrand

Astronomy and Astrophysics

California Institute of Technology

Dr. Leopoldo Infante (Appointed)

Institute of Astrophysics

Pontifica Universidad Catolica de Chile

Dr. Dana Longcope

Department of Physics

Montana State University

Matt Mountain (ex officio)


Rob Pike

Google, Inc.

Dr. Philip Pinto

Steward Observatory, Department of Astronomy

University of Arizona

Dr. Robert Shelton

Giant Magellan Telescope Organization

Robert Strain

Ball Aerospace & Technologies Corporation

John Womersley

European Spallation Source ERIC